Digital Signage

Setting up digital signage with a Chromebox

Digital signage using Chrome Sign Builder:

Digital signage using Chrome App Developer:

by Kathleen McClure of the Okefenokee Regional Library System

Google Account

Set up or sign in to a Gmail account for your library system. We use a generic Gmail address not tied to the domain. Once in your account, find the Google apps icon in the upper right corner, click on it and then on Drive.

image of google drive being selected in the app drawer

Drive: Create slideshow

Click on New

Click on Google Slides

Change the name Untitled presentation to one that uniquely identifies the location of the signage. We have one sign per branch, so each slideshow is named for the branch.

Create a few placeholder slides with text and/or pictures.

screenshot of a google slides file with digital signage slides

Click File -> Publish to the web…

image of the publish to web menu with auto advance set to 5 seconds, start slideshow checked, restart checked

Choose how long you want each slide to show before changing. Check the boxes for auto-start and loop slideshow.

Copy the link in the box and paste it into a text editor to use later.

Our link looks like this:

Chrome App Developer Account

Go to You may need to log in.

image of the developer dashboard on the chrome web store showing the $5 registration cost

You will need to pay the $5.00 registration fee; it will allow you to publish up to 20 apps.

Chrome App Builder

In a Chrome browser window, search for Chrome App Builder or navigate to and Add to Chrome.

Open the App Builder

image of the chrome app builder landing page

Give your app an identifying name.

Paste the link to your Google Slides presentation in the field for Homepage.

For a clean look, leave the following boxes unchecked: Enable back/forward navigation buttons, Enable home button, Enable reload button, Enable Restart session button.

Set Session idle timeout, Timeout to return home, & Rotation to 0, Terms of Serviceshould be blank.

Make sure the Kiosk mode enabled box is checked.

Create a folder for your app’s save location and Export kiosk app to that location.

Right-click on the app folder, click Send to, then Compressed (zipped) folder.

Publish App

Return to your Developer Dashboard (

Click Add new item

Accept the terms and conditions (first time only)

image of the chrome web store application uploader menu

Click Choose file

Navigate to your app’s zipped folder and select it

Click Upload

Begin filling out the fields. You will need an icon, screenshot and promotional tile. We just used our library logo in varying sizes. Stick to .jpg or .png.



Promotional tiles:

image of a slideshow being uploaded as an app
image of the various descriptions and icons you can set for a chrome web app
image of the various descriptions and icons you can set for a chrome web app

We used our library’s homepage for the website and choose Marketing & Analytics for the category. We left all other boxes and options blank/as default.

For Visibility options, click Unlisted.

Click Publish changes. Click OK.

You will see the store item page for your new app. Navigate back to your Developer Dashboard. You should see your app appear under Your Listings.

Click More info for your app. Copy your Item ID.

image of the completed web app listing

Google Admin Console Configuration

First, be sure that you have a subcategory/ies created for your respective Organizational Units (OUs) for Signage. If you do not have this, contact the GPLS System Administrator.

Go to and sign in.

Click on Device Management.

Click on Chrome Management.

Click on Device Settings.

Navigate to your Signage subgroup in the appropriate OU.

image of the OU selection in Google Admin console

Scroll down to find Kiosk Apps. Click Manage Kiosk Applications.

Click Chrome Web Store.

In the Search on Chrome Web Store field, paste your app’s Item ID.

Click Add next to your app. Click Save.

Under Kiosk Settings, set Public Session Kiosk to Do not allow Public Session Kiosk and Auto-Launch Kiosk App to your signage app.

Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen.

Make sure your signage Chromebox is up to date and start or restart it.

Repeat the process for creating Slides presentations, using the App Builder, publishing and configuring your Admin Console for each different branch/separate sign you want.

Creating Signs

Gimp is free image editing program. Download it here:

Layers are your friend. Here is a very basic introduction:

A template 960 (wide) x 540 (tall) pixels is recommended for creating signs with good resolution and fit for Slides.