TBC 14
AFPL Capital Improvement Projects
Presenter: Ali Nabavi, IT Project Manager, Atlanta Fulton County Library System
Bridging the Digital Divide – Bringing eBooks & digital content to patrons through outreach & training. What we’ve done so far & what we’re thinking of doing… a conversation.
Presenters: Julia Huprich – Digital Library Services & Communications Manager, Cobb County Library System and Burr Osoinach – Digital Services Librarian, Cobb County Library System
Comcast Internet Essentials – learn about a program offered by Comcast where patrons can qualify to receive home Internet access for $9.95/month
Presenter: Ken Thomas – Senior Sales Manager, Comcast
Gateways & Filtering – From third party closed systems to open source DIY, we’ll cover the spectrum of filtering solutions in preparation for the influx of the new bandwidth superhighway.
Web Filtering Open Source – (If you have the expertise in-house but have limited resources)
Presenters: Andy Witter, Information Technology Consultant & Andrew Crane – Network Engineer, GPLS
Sayers Overview – If you have limited expertise in-house and have some resources and would like to know how to deploy a third party system
Presenters: Jay Guidry – Engineer, Sayers and David Hart – Account Executive, Sayers
Google Update
Cherokee Regional Chrome Update
Presenter: Wendy Cobb – Library Systems Administrator & Technical Services Coordinator, Cherokee Regional Library System
Kyle McDonald, Google Government Solutions Manager
GPLS Chrome Update
Presenter: Daniel Zeiger, System Administrator, GPLS
Print Management Solution Preview for Chrome
Presenter: Charles Ellis, LibData
GPLS Network Project Update– Overview of the numbers: How far we’ve come, what kind of bandwidth we’re getting statewide + next steps
Presenters: Kurt Zeiger – Network Project Manager, GPLS and Emily Almond – Director, IT, GPLS
Library Special Interest Groups – Facilitated conversations between comparable size library systems about technology services and issues
Presenters: Keith Schuermann – Director, Troup-Harris Regional Library
Gary McNeely – Director, Kinchafoonee Regional Library
Tamika Strong – IT Program Manager, GPLS
Tech Trends – Highlights from Computers in Libraries Meeting
Presenter: Keith Schuermann, Director, Troup-Harris Regional Library
Turning Your Meeting Room Into a Virtual Classroom – Demonstrating how you can use relatively inexpensive tech to transform a regular old meeting room into a high-tech presentation space:
Google Hangouts
Presenter: Dave Daniels – Technology Support Director, Sara Hightower Regional Library
Virtual Jay’s video on turning a meeting room into a virtual classroom: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NA7TGmvnIVY
Presenter: Jay Turner, Director, CE, GPLS
Untangle for Captive Portal and Public Wireless Statistics Gathering
Presenter: Curtis Spiva – Technology Librarian, Mountain Regional Library System
Untangle Captive Portal Demo
Untangle example reports-12_31_13-Monthly
Untangle presentation outline
Using Tech to Teach Tech – Revitalizing staff training by engaging staff
Presenters: Julia Huprich – Digital Library Services & Communications Manager, Cobb County Library System and Burr Osoinach – Digital Services Librarian, Cobb County Library System
Web Hosting Agreement – Update on maintenance of library websites hosted with GPLS – Presenter: Darin Givens – Webmaster, GPLS
Wireless – A look at different ways to set up your wireless network
Atlanta Fulton Public Library Wireless Network
Presenter: Ali Nabavi – IT Project Manager, Atlanta Fulton County Library System
Wireless Access Manager – Reports and New Wireless Guide
Presenter: Ben Dudley – System Administrator, East Central Georgia Regional Library
Won’t Get Fooled Again – Vendor Assessment & Negotiation Best Practices
Presenter: Emily Almond – Director, IT, GPLS

2014 Tech Boot Camp Feedback
We asked and you responded. Below are the responses received about the Tech Boot Camp.
Email Responses:
“A big thank you to GPLS and staff for making this happen again this year. Wendy, my techie couldn’t stop talking about the last few days. ” ~Lecia
“I’d like to say a big “Thank You!” to all the GPLS staff and presenters for making this year’s Tech Boot Camp possible—I’ve learned so much from you and am SO excited over future possibilities!” ~Wendy
“Awesome time great ideas and great folks. Emily, Nicole and gang always do a great job for us and really need a pat on the back.” ~Dave
“I, too, thoroughly enjoyed the boot camp. Presentations were spot on and the hang outs were even better! Looking forward to the next one already.” ~Josh
“Each year gets more interesting and enjoyable. The GPLS crew does a great job of getting it all organized and going.” ~Curtis
“As usual, the Boot Camp was stupendous! Your energy and effort are greatly appreciated! I came away with a number of tidbits that I hope to be able to implement here at our library. Thanks again!” ~Daniel
Evaluation Results:
Question 1. How useful was the information presented at this event?
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Extremely useful
Quite useful
Moderately useful
Slightly useful
Not at all useful
answered question
skipped question
Question 2. Rank the sessions – 1 being the most informative, 5 being the least informative.
Answer Options
Response Count
Comcast Essentials
Bridging the Digital Divide
Network Update
Virtual Class Room
WiFi Click Through
Tech Trends @ AFPLS
Chrome Update
Library Special Interest Groups
Gateways and Filtering
Tech Trends
Web Hosting
Vendor Assessment
Lightning Rounds
Demo Labs
answered question
skipped question
Question 3: What activity/session did you enjoy the most? Why?
Lightning Rounds
Loved the Makey Makey demo. An easy, repeatable program for only $50? Sold!
Gateways and Filtering – Because with the network platform changes we are at the point that must determine best possible solutions for web site management (filtering) for patrons per regulations
My top 3–Demo Lab–3-D printer was awesome!
Jay’s session on reusing/re-purposing old tech.
Why not? Ideas/Lightning Round–fun and informative!
Talking about the virtual classroom because that is the wave of the future.
Makey Makey Presentation
Gateways and Filtering – as someone who only knows a bit about a lot of Tech subjects, I enjoyed hearing about ways to cobble together open source software to end up with a robust filter and gateway at my library.
3D printing. Can attract more kids to library.
Demo labs, because hearing the information is good, but being able to see and interact is so much better.
I enjoyed the talks and presentations that pertained more to the small regions like mine without huge budgets. Meeting techs from other systems putting faces to names. The networking.
The overall package was impressive…the sum was greater than any individual section.
I liked the lightning rounds because there was a lot of information that we can possibly use with VRC. Enjoyed being able to brainstorm for the future without any money limitations (perhaps some of our suggestions could be shared with the legislature?)
Tech Trends as it was great to hear the various trends taking place across the country
Library Special Interest Groups
I enjoyed the Chrome update and Keith and Gabriel’s presentations the most.
Keith Schuermann’s. It gave me the most ideas. I wish it had been presented earlier… I didn’t catch on onto how useful 3D printing was until his presentation and I wish I had spent more time with it.
Finding out that GPLS Tech Services were housed in a QTS Data Center was really great news and solidified my decision to move our web/email to GPLS
Very much enjoyed the discussion of open source options presented in Gateways and Filtering and the practical how-to information in the Vendor Assessment presentation.
Endless bacon..Seriously, everything was beneficial. Take home ideas that we can impliment. See what’s on the horizon for libraries.
Loved the Special Interest Groups! I thought that this was one of the most beneficial parts of Boot Camp. It was very helpful to hear what the other systems were working on and how they were addressing some of the same problems that our system had.
Enjoy might not be the right word, but I really appreciated the Vendor Assessment program. It balanced “good practice” with general encouragement. Too often I think that my needs are too “small potatoes” to demand services from the vendor.
Tech trends. While not all the info was of practical use immediately, the stuff presented in the presentation helped me re-energize my enthusiasm for technology and library service in general.
Keith Schuermann’s presentation skills were very impressive, and I thought he did a great job of giving a broad overview of some extremely interesting “things” going on in library technology right now.
Tech trends and demo labs as it was great to see so many new and improved items and get hands on.
Emily’s Vendor talk was great!
Lightning Rounds. Entertaining. Informative.
The Vendor Assessment was very very very very informative and timely. Emily did a great job breaking everything down and explaining vendor negotiation and just giving some insight into good business practices.
Vendor assessment. Much needed info on how to deal with these criminals (jk
Vendor Assessment was wonderfully useful!
Learning about what the state is doing to help the libraries with their networks and hardware purchases; learning about the work that is happening to try to get time & print management working with Chrome; seeing how libraries are making use of their existing tools in practical ways. Most of all – getting to talk to so many of the people in person that I’ve only corresponded with online.
The Demo Labs – it was great to play around with some of the toys and see some of the prices.
Demo labs. WiFi. Practical information to help make life easier and also able to do the stuff in house.
Lab time – Was able to do things I don’t have time to do in the office. Got help with questions/issues FTF with the folks who have the answers.
Question 4: Did the Boot Camp meet your expectations?
Yes very much so
Yes for sure, each year gets better and better….
It exceeded it!
Yes. It did I always learn some new things I can take back to my library and share with my co-workers.
Yes – a bit more on the “how to” on vendors would have been great along with more future tech discussions
Overall I would say that it met my expectations. I would have liked to have seen more Cloud information though.
Yes, Very informative.
Yes – as always. Last Monday I was asking myself why I had registered -so far away, so much other work to do. By Tuesday evening, I remembered how useful the programs and the networking with other tech. staff at other libraries really is and was very glad I came.
Exceeded my expectations
Yes. It’s always a plus to able to hear what the other libraries around the state are doing.
Exceeded. I filled up my notebook and half of another one with new ideas.
Yes. the entire conference was very informative
Yes! Always love this event. Great job!
Yes. I thought this year’s program really did have something for everyone. I enjoyed the presentations. Even the ones that didn’t relate very well to our current services gave me something to think about. And with a University population that comes from all over Georgia, the presentations gave me insight to our patrons’ expectations.
Yes, it was fun, informative and enjoyable as always.
Yes, it was really terrific this year (it always is, but this year we all seemed to have more interaction, and that’s the key for me)! The breakout special interest groups session was another of my favorites.
Above and beyond.
Mostly. Comcast and other vendors rather useless. Wish we’d hear more about free/low-cost solutions like WordPress, Google Apps, Avast, etc
Yes, and no. I have never been and am not a Tech, so I did not really know what to expect.
Yes and then some
It’s now large enough to have breakout sessions for special interest discussions. Vendor talks were not helpful.
Yes, it was much better than I expected!
Very much so. In some ways better than last year.
Yes!!! Big Time!! I had a list of things I wanted to get done and I got them all done!!! Yeah!
Question 5: What would you like to see at the next Tech Boot Camp?
Some of the same things, latest tech at that time
Dancing elephants.
Cloud Storage and costs
Anything and everything!
I would like to see more of the demo of the different product that venders that attend trying to offer
More updates from Google on the the PC Reservation.
More “how to” sessions like the filtering/gateway, the future of technology in libraries – making technology work for us and not against us sorts of topics – more about kids/technology/library. Less opportunity to be negative about libraries – we all have similar problems but being negative about them doesn’t help
Class on setting up Deep Freeze
Cloud tech info.
More retrovation, do more with less type stuff.
More on assistive technology
Will have to think more on this….
Breakout sessions for special interests such as teaching computers to the public
More breakout sessions
Maybe some type of statewide guidance (planning committee) that moves around the state to assist with planning and implementation of some of the ideas presented at boot camp. For instance, I would love to implement some type of help desk features to assist patron with mobile devices.
You guys do a terrific job of mixing it up. I can’t think of anything I was left wanting for. Just keep up the good work.
Beautiful women and drinking games
Better Internet Connection!!! Certainly there’s a vendor/provider that would be willing to pipe in some broadband for the occasion
more of the same types of presentations
More time to for the Special Interest Groups, more structured non-related activities (guided hikes, canoe trips, trips to Helen) – so much fun to hang out with everyone!
I would like to see something on security for the facilities. The “black belt librarian” states that we should at least have eyes on our entrances and exits. Now that the libraries will have more bandwidth, I want to learn about scaleable, wireless security systems for all our branches.
Best practices and tips for managing a firewall and firewall rules. More demos and information from library tech personnel
Internet connectivity; 2. a couple of lapel mics for the presenters
More hands on new items and upcoming goals and more great demos from us all.
Small, tailored sessions instead of one big session
Yes. Even if it is a one day event and not held in a state park
Any presentations that deal with how smaller library systems, or systems with a low budget can address tech issues.
Showcase of sites such as Scratch, etc. that we can use for programming. More Arduino stuff too.
More information about good and free resources such as Drupal, WordPress, and Google Apps.
More hands-on instead of just demos for things like installing Linux on an old XP machine, hosting online meetings, etc.
Information about bringing Gaming into libraries. WordPress Plugin exchange (what works best for what purpose).
More demo labs. Standardized WiFi stats recommendations: either times used and/or time used.
More lab time! Bring is what’s not working and get help to do it. Most helpful!!!
Question 6. Overall, how satisfied were you with this event?
Answer Options
Response Percent
Response Count
Very satisfied
Somewhat satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Somewhat dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
answered question
skipped question
Question 7: Additional Comments?
Let’s meet in Unicoi again next year!
Emily, Nicol and rest of the GPLS crew have done a wonderful job….
Can’t wait until next year! This was a great event!
I thank the boot camp for the tech of the library is one of the best events for the tech to be able to put a face with the name that we see on techtalk and able to know who you is talking with when you call.
I enjoy being with such a wonderful group of people who, despite living and working in diverse communities across the state, share the common goal of providing quality service to our patrons. Thanks GPLS staff for putting together such a great event!
I had a great time.
Great job, great location, great sense of team spirit. Tons of information.
Unicoi is beautiful but a more central location in the state would be helpful for those of us in the lower parts of the state –
Maybe some type of fun after hours activity such as Trivia for the people who have a hard time meeting new people.
I always leave the Boot Camp more confident about IT and the professionals that run IT throughout the state than when I get there. Good job.
Always a great time.
Thank you very much for the opportunity to attend the conference and to present.
Wonderful! Loved the sessions, the swag bags, the venue, everything. This is my favorite event for the year, hands down. You all do such a great job! Thank you!
I think that some of the Boot Camp topics could be restated and reinforced in programs for the directors. For example – the director’s meeting would include talk from Marti Minor about the privacy and policy issues behind video security at libraries. Boot Camp would be about putting the equipment in the facilities and managing the data.
Then when the techies come home with some of these great ideas, their directors are already on the path to “yes”.
1. The demo lab would’ve been better with some internet! 2. 3D printing was NEAT!!!
Everyone went over the top to produce the best classes and demos they could.
I think GPLS did a superb job of making sure the program was effective and explaining the plethora of support services they are able to provide to library systems and staff.
Simply fantastic! !
I’m already looking forward to next year.
The days are very, very long. It’s hard to sit still for that long, even with the breaks.
I love the boot camp and want it to continue!
Cold drinks at breaks.
Library Special Interest Groups
At the 2014 Tech Boot Camp, the attendees were divided into three groups based on the population their system served. The conversations were moderated by Keith Schuermann, Director of Troup-Harris Regional Library, Gary McNeely, Director of Kinchafoonee Regional Library and Tamika Strong, IT Program Manager at GPLS.
The goal of the session was to gather together to IT representatives of comparable size libraries to allow them an opportunity to talk about some of the technological concerns they have. Each group was asked to answer three questions:
What was one successful initiative that your library launched within the last year?
What keeps you up at night?
If money was no object, what types of technology/technological services would you like to offer your staff and/or patrons?
Question 1: What was one successful initiative that your library launched within the last year?
Attached to Fiber
Automated Materials Handling at 2 Locations
AVAST antivirus installation
AWE Computers
Bi-monthly updates of PACs
Bookmyne online sharing app
Children Tablets
Chrome OPACs, Teen, and Child
Cost savings with cheaper antivirus
Created Regional tech kits to share between branches, for staff and public training
Deep Freeze, Deep Freese Enterprise, PC Res
Early learning centers in all branches
Gadget Overload Day
GED testing onine and in the library
Google Chrome
Hired New IT staff
Hotspot Gateway
Increase Bandwidth
Info Kiosk – Computer with specific links
IT Questions now being tallied
Laptops for public use
Laptops out into the community for public
Launched e-materials
Launched Freegal (didn’t offer music and DVDs)
Launched Overdrive
Launched Zinio
Loaned laptops to community centers (outreach)
Makerbot up and running
Mobile computer lab – bringing tech to the community
New A[ccess] P[oint]
New Computer Lab
New Computers
New Wireless Setup
New WordPress Website
Offering public computer classes (email, basic skills, office)
OS Ticket
Partnered with Parks to open an adult services special needs satellite branch
Redesigned Website
Reimaged with Clonezilla
RFID in 2 branches
Roving/Mobile Ref and Circ
Sharepoint for Staff
SRD Database
Study Rooms with online reservation
Tech & Maker Programs – willing to improve; mobile space
Touch Screens Info/Form Kiosk
Tumble Books 0 Games, Read alonga for kida
Untangled for captive portal wireless (free & awesome)
Upgraded from XP to Windows 7
Went from T1s/Fiber MetroE
Question 2: What keeps you up at night?
0 Tech Staff
17 libraries to keep up with
Adobe Flash Player
Back Ups
Bad Attitudes
Balance (cloud & local)
Classes and Updates
Contractor (IT) with grandiose ideas
Deploying Software and Operating systems
Digital Divide between Windows and Mac – people still stuck on Windows
Dwindling Funds
E-Rate – missing deadline/form/not receiving funding
Funding for personnel, FT & PT
Funding, specifically for IT Support
Growth of wireless users – demand
Internet Upgrade / Network Changeover
IP nightmares (literal)
Knowledge Management
Library Budget Cuts
Money (lack of)
More people tech savvy
MRR Purchasing decisions/approval
Multitasking – on the desk and dealing with glitchy tech)
Need to be nimble; keep up with tech trends
New things that I don’t understand
No follow through
Not my conscience
Old hardware
Old tech not working
Pines/Evergreen – “holds” response time
Staff that can’t/don’t want to learn new tech
Staff Training / Turnover
Subcontractors (IT) don’t understand library environment
Threat of bad weather
Unstable, unexplainable network issues, “telnet and wireless”
Weekend Print Release Support
Windows 8
Writing and Implementing Policy and Procedures
Windows XP
Question 3: If money was no object, what types of technology/technological services would you like to offer your staff and/or patrons?
3D scanner printer/printing
Apps for PINES/Evergreen
Auto Doors
Better 3rd Party Vendors
Better salaries
better WiFi
Business innovation/printing center
Check out laptops/devices
Check out wireless hotspots
Color Copier
Consulting services
Database for Accelerated Readers list integrate/included/marked in the Evergreen
Dedicated Geek Squad
Dedicated teen computer lab
Department of the future -have the funding services, and staff to meet ongoing needs
Digital signboard
Drone for deliveries
E-devices to loan/circ
Enough Computers
Enough full time staff (trained)
Every staff has smart phone and tablets
Everything digital and audio
Extended tech training for the community
Full blown digital production lab/facility
Full-blown makerspace
Fully staffed IT department
Functional wireless
Giga switch
Have In house IT with library background
Increase Digital Resources
Indepth Tech Training
Kiosk (red box) off site
Labels for cables
Laptops & Tablets – New
Marketing department
Mobile devices
More AWE computers
More databases such as legal forms
More downloadable materials (freegal, hoopla, etc.)
More IT marketing
More Library Hours
More physical space
More Staff
More time for training
More travel & conference attendance/funding fo
Network infrastructure
New Phone system – VOIP possibly
New Website
Off desk time for staff development
Paid Support
Pines App (& ACQ module)
Playtime with New Tech
Replace all XP systems
Scanning for public
Security System
Self Check
Small mobile computer lab
Smart Board
Staff Raises
Streaming video
Take credit cards
Tech Petting Zoo – II
Tech spa?
Training Department
Unlimited Bandwidth
Unlimited usage models on all electronic content
Up to date software
Virtual Classroom
VLOB Studio
We would clone ourselves to be like FPL