Cybersecurity News

news, updates, and industry tips

CISA describes why passwords alone aren't enough anymore, and why Multi-Factor Authentication is a must.

Cory Doctorow (science fiction author, activist and journalist) discusses how one phone call scammed him out of over $8000.

A Hong Kong firm was tricked by a sophisticated scam involving deepfake technology. The scam featured a simulation of multiple real people in video chat, including voices.

Phishing e-mails continue to be one of the most popular methods of attack used by cybercriminals, but they are not the only method. Review some additional types of social engineering attacks and what you can do to protect yourself.

This in-depth cybersecurity planning guide provides information and advice to help organizations develop a successful strategy to protect their IT systems from attacks.

When it comes to security challenges, businesses of all sizes are alarmed by the abundance and gravity of ransomware attacks. Cybercriminals have targeted every industry with specialized malware, collecting untold amounts in ransom. This comprehensive guide on ransomware explains the types of attacks, common attack vectors, prevention methods and tools, and best practices for recovery.

From eyeglass reflections and new job postings to certificate transparency logs and discarded printers, employees have odd ways to unintentionally expose data.

How did two small drones lead to a corporate data breach?  ‘Hybrid security events’ (scenarios that incorporate both cybersecurity and physical security together to compromise an environment or individual) are not new, but may be easier today than we realize.

We’ve all seen these text messages. The texts addressed to someone else pops up on your phone about something innocent. You text back “Sorry, wrong number.” Then the unknown person continues the friendly conversation and tries to establish a friendship. The scammers behind the fake wrong-number text messages are counting on you to continue the conversation.

The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) releases reports every year with statistics and information about the complaints received the previous year. Click to read the 2022 Annual Report and State Reports as well as the 2022 Elder Fraud Report and State Reports.

QR codes, which are commonly used for various purposes like accessing websites or making payments, have become targets for scams. Scammers are increasingly using QR codes, including in conjunction with gift card offers, to deceive individuals into accessing malicious websites, potentially compromising their devices and financial information.

AI is fast emerging as a must-have technology for enhancing the performance of IT security teams. It can give a much-needed analysis and threat identification used to minimize breach risk, enhance security posture, discover and prioritize risks, direct incident response, and identify malware attacks before they happen. However, there are also downsides to AI in cybersecurity.

An effective cybersecurity awareness training program should reach workers with varying degrees of technical aptitude and cybersecurity knowledge. It should be multifaceted, with a collection of lessons and learning opportunities so it engages everyone in the company, and embrace different learning styles.

Cultivating a security-aware culture demands commitment from all employees and not just the security department. Investing in robust cybersecurity training led by empathetic and approachable teachers/coaches that addresses employee motivation is key to reducing breaches. 

CompTIA discusses statistics surrounding breaches and how they can effect your business. Breaches can lead to loss of time, money, reputation, and more. Take a look at these statistics to see what could happen.

According to a study by IBM, 95% of cybersecurity breaches result from human error. Another report indicated that human error resulted in a loss of $3.33 million in 2020. What types of human errors occur, and how can these errors be prevented?