TBC 19
What is Tech Boot Camp?
Glad You Asked! TBC is initiative of the Georgia Public Library Service to bring together IT professionals from library systems across the state to share experiences and ideas and to explore opportunities made possible by emerging technologies.
Our 2019 Theme is Level Up Your Library! We will be exploring all of the ways Georgia's libraries have leveled up, from installing Broadband networks and Makerspaces, to taking tech to the community via outreach programs and strategic partnerships.
Where: Unicoi State Park and Lodge
When: Monday, November 18 - Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Sunday, 11/17 - all day - if you arrive early, feel free to come on in and join the set-up chaos. All are welcome.
Monday, 11/18 - 9a - Lunch: Registration / Badge Pickup
Monday, 11/18 - 1p: Tech Boot Camp begins
Tuesday, 11/19 - programming all day
Wednesday, 11/20 - programming up until lunch and then we say good bye
If you asked to come up early - Sunday 11/17, you are good. Just check in at the front desk. Your room will be ready and we have dinner tickets for 11/17 and breakfast tickets for 11/18 set aside for you. (The rest you'll receive with your welcome packets.)
Everyone coming up on Monday 11/18, we'll have registration open in the morning and we will give you your room keys, welcome packets and meal tickets.
We will be setting up the LitLab on Sunday afternoon/night/wee hours. Many of you have helped us out over the years and it is much appreciated. Please feel free to do so again. We'll keep a fresh roll of gaffers tape for you.